It comes from the Indian healing tradition over 6000 year. Helps to restore and maintain our balance in all levels (like physically, psychological, spiritually). Act relaxing and therapeutic. It is applied as a treatment in a common cervical and as a support for more severe conditions affected by stressful factors (multiple sclerosis, depression). Relieves anxiety and stress, saves the painful muscular tensions, it tones the muscles, revitalizes, it detoxifies, improves immune function, circulator and lymphatic system. It burns fat, shapes the skin, slows down the aging process. It restores a sense of fullness of serenity and satisfaction. Its intensity may vary from very soft to very intense. It is made with oil all over the body locally or on Chair with clothes. Learn to Sail your Soul!
Reiki USUI
Reiki is a simple and straightforward form of hand-healing that begin in Japan in the late 19th century. It is used to bring tranquility and balance to spirit, body and mind. The treatment of Reiki is based on the universal energy that exists in everyone and everything. At our physical level, we strengthen and help to deal with any illness manifestation. And the Psychic level, Reiki support us against anxiety, fears, depression, addictions, etc. Learn to Sail your Soul!
Advanced Tachyon Cocoon
The Coccon is an application of the therapeutic energy system Advanced Tachyon U.S.A. It creates an energy coccon around us. Our body chooses the frequencies that it needs at this moment to come to equilibrium. The cocoon helps us relax, detofixy, positively charge. It supports anti-aging and heals at all levels. Learn to Sail your Soul!